"Democracy is based upon the conviction that there are extraordinary possibilities in ordinary people."
Harry Emerson Fosdick
Polling Place Locations
Precinct Polling Place Location Polling Place Address
Butterfield/McDonald Butterfield Fire Station 10600 E 1st ST Butterfield 65623
Cassville City Family Life Center 200 E 5th ST Cassville 65625
Cassville Rural-Mineral Family Life Center 200 E 5th ST Cassville 65625
Exeter Exeter Community Bldg. 112 S Front ST Exeter 65647
Golden Golden Baptist Churbh 28563 State HWY J Golden 65658
Jenkins Jenkins Fire Bldg. 25180 State HWY 248 Jenkins 65605
Ozark/Crane Creek Madry Christian Union Bldg. 3814 State HWY 39 Aurora 65605
Monett City Monett City Park Casino 101 S Lincoln Monett 65708
Monett Rural/Capps Creek Monett City Park Casino 101 S Lincoln Monett 65708
Kings Prairie/Pleasant Ridge Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church 14935 State HWY Z Verona 65769
Purdy/McDowell Purdy City Hall 401 E State HWY C Purdy 65734
Eagle Rock/Roaring River Eagle Rock Community Bldg. 27824 State HWY 86 Eagle Rock 65641
Seligman Seligman Community Center 29144 Main ST Seligman 65745
Shell Knob Shell Knob Community Bldg. 22260 Oak Ridge DR Shell Knob 65747
Washburn/Ash Washburn 1st Baptist Activity Cntr. 618 N 2nd ST Washburn 65772
Wheaton Wheaton Community Bldg. 117 Allman Wheaton 64874